If you are a corn farmer, you may have experienced problems with soil caterpillar pests damaging crops and reducing yields. Despite their small size, soil caterpillars can have a significant impact on corn production.

Therefore, it is important for farmers to understand how to effectively control soil caterpillar pests in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

In this article, we will discuss several control methods that can be used to protect your corn plants from damaging soil caterpillar attacks. Keep reading to get useful information for your farming.

Soil Caterpillar Attacks and Characteristics

When the dark of night arrives, this type of insect begins to attack young corn. They are soil caterpillars, known as cutworms because of how they cut plant stems. However, when dawn breaks, they hide back in the soil.

Do not underestimate these soil caterpillars. Usually, these pest larvae are found in the soil and are dark brownish in color, equipped with seven pairs of legs. Corn plants aged 1-3 weeks are their targets. Attacks occur during the night; during the day, they hide in the soil.

Controlling Soil Caterpillar Pests on Corn Plants

Soil caterpillars are one of the main pests that frequently attack corn plants. Soil caterpillar attacks can damage the plant’s root system, thus reducing corn plant productivity. Therefore, it is important for farmers to understand how to effectively control soil caterpillar pests in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Using Natural Materials

One way to control soil caterpillar pests on corn plants is by using natural materials such as neem oil, clove powder, and corn flour. These materials can be mixed with water and sprayed onto corn plants.

Neem oil is known as a natural insecticide that is safe for the environment, as it does not harm humans or animals. Meanwhile, clove powder and corn flour have the same effect as synthetic pesticides in killing soil caterpillars.

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation can help reduce the risk of soil caterpillar pest attacks on corn plants.

Farmers can plant other crops that are not hosts for soil caterpillars for one or two years before replanting corn in the same location. This helps break the soil caterpillar life cycle and reduces pest populations on corn plants.

Pesticide Use

The use of synthetic pesticides is the most commonly used method to control soil caterpillar pests on corn plants.

However, pesticide use must be done carefully and in accordance with recommended doses. Excessive pesticide use can harm human and animal health, as well as damage the environment.

Maintaining Land Cleanliness

Maintaining land cleanliness is also an effective way to control soil caterpillar pests on corn plants. Farmers can clean the land from harvested crop residues or wild weeds growing around the land. This helps reduce soil caterpillar hiding places and breeding grounds.

Insect Netting Use

The use of insect netting or insect netting can also help control soil caterpillar pest attacks on corn plants.

Insect netting can be installed over corn plants to prevent soil caterpillars from entering and damaging plants. This is effective in controlling pests on corn plants organically and environmentally friendly.


Those are some ways to control soil caterpillar pests on corn plants that can be done by farmers. It is important for farmers to choose methods that are suitable for land and environmental conditions, and always follow rules for the safe use of pesticides for the environment.