Planting corn can be a very enjoyable activity, especially if you succeed in harvesting fresh corn that can be directly processed into various delicious foods.

However, not everyone has a large enough land or complete farming tools to plant corn using conventional methods. The good news is, there is a more practical and effective way to plant corn without the need for complicated land preparation.

This no-till method is suitable for those who want to plant corn in their backyard or limited land. Here is a complete guide on how to plant corn using the no-till method, which is easy and worth trying.

How to Plant Corn Using the No-Till Method

For those who want to know how to plant corn without tilling the soil, here’s how according to Cybext from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture:

Preparing Mulch with Straw The first step is to clean the cultivation area from residue or plant remains as well as weeds growing in that area. Although without land preparation, maintaining the cleanliness of the cultivation area is still important.

After the land is cleared, the next step is to lay down straw mulch in the area that will be used to plant corn. Mulching aims to prevent weed growth in that area and maintain soil conditions to be suitable for corn growth.

By using straw mulch, you can minimize disturbances from weed plants and maintain soil moisture for optimal corn growth.

Creating Water Channels In cultivation, water channels are needed to maintain soil moisture. These channels are usually built between the beds to facilitate water flow.

Fertilizer and Liming The next step in planting corn using the no-till system is to provide nutrients and lime to the soil. The fertilizer used is organic in nature.

Fertilizer is applied by either sprinkling or spreading. The dosage ranges from 1.5 to 2 tons per hectare.

In addition to fertilization, the soil also needs to be limed if its acidity level is high. The required liming dosage is around 300 to 400 kg per hectare.

Prepare the Seeds The seeds used are the most superior offspring with a growth rate of over 95%. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in insecticide to prevent the spread of diseases that can be transmitted to the seeds.

Spacing Arrangement The spacing between corn plants is usually around 20 cm and the spacing between rows is about 70-75 cm. Determining the planting distance is very important to facilitate maintenance and ensure optimal plant growth.

Planting The way to plant corn without tilling the soil is by placing the seeds into the planting holes. One planting hole can accommodate two seedlings.

After that, cover the planting hole with soil without pressing too hard. Additionally, prepare seeds to replant corn plants if there are any seeds that do not grow or corn plants that are damaged.

Additional Fertilization If you want to plant hybrid corn, you need to pay attention to additional fertilization. Additional fertilization is usually done 2-3 times in one planting period, depending on the soil conditions and the varieties planted. However, hybrid corn requires more fertilization compared to regular corn.

The fertilizers usually used contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). You can use Urea to obtain N, SP36 to obtain P, and KCl fertilizer to obtain K.

Additional fertilization can be done when the plants are 10 days after planting (DAP) and 35 DAP if you only fertilize twice. However, if you fertilize three times, you can do it when the plants are 7-10 DAP, 28-30 DAP, and 40-45 DAP.


By paying attention to the above provisions, the corn planted can yield harvests that are no less good than corn planted using the land tillage system.